Sunday, January 9, 2011

Eczema Symptoms to Watch Out For!

If you are wondering about a problem with your skin and have heard of eczema then you might need to know what the symptoms of eczema are. Knowing if you have eczema or if it is just a rash, or lesion from other sources if vital so you can get the correct treatment for your particular ailment.

However it is important to know that eczema is not a single condition but is actually a grouping of various skin conditions that all share a similarity in causation and symptoms - but come out in slightly different ways in different people.

Recurring - One of the hallmarks of eczema is the fact is comes again and again. These flare ups recur frequently or occasionally - but if they come back over and again it is a good change this is eczema not a one off sickness or injury.

Swollen Skin - Swelling is very common for most types of eczema. The skin will be hot, red and lumpy or at least two of those symptoms. The skin may also feel very warm to touch in many cases and can be itchy and irritated.

Pain -Some eczema only looks bad, but others can be very painful, from burning sensations or itching, to sharp stabbing pains at points. This can be when in contact with something or just at all times during a breakout.

Scaly Skin - You skin may become scaly and rough during and after an outbreak of eczema. This can look very bad and feel horrible. It may also be discoloured as well.

Bleeding Fluids -Fluids may start to leak from these areas and blisters and sores appear as well. This can be from infections from the skin that is weakened and often scratched letting infections in.

Dandruff -While many people get dandruff to a degree this can become quite bad for sever eczema sufferers and is not just linked to the scalp in some people. The skin becomes very flaky and peels and cracks on the infected areas.

So if you have a number of these symptoms you may need to seek treatment for this eczema that you have to lessen its effects.

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