Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eczema Natural Remedies - What Do They Involve?

If you know the dangers of using drugs such as corticosteroids to solve your eczema problem then you are right now probably looking for eczema natural remedies to avoid the terrible side effects of these drugs. Side effects such as bone density problems, glaucoma, stunted growth, hypertension, thinning skin, and many more!

Instead a natural remedy is a more long term plan that can reduce your flare up that you have right now, and also stop them from reappearing again. Let’s take a look at some of what is involved in a natural eczema cure.

Root Cause Targeting

One of the best things about a natural treatment is that is focuses not just on the symptoms of eczema, but also on the root causes of the problem. Using a diverse range of methods to health the body from the inside out, not the outside in.

Herbal Remedies

This may be the first thing that you imaging when considering a natural remedy - but it is not the only thing. There are some very helpful herbs that are good for alleviating the symptoms, and other that are better at fortifying yourself form the inside to give you the minerals you need and boost your immune system also.


I will not go into this in great details, but exercise is vital to getting your body to fight eczema. However you should also pay close attention to how overheated you can get and choose the right clothes to exercise in. Regular low intensity exercise does wonders!

Dietary Changes

We are what we eat, which means we are not healthy a lot of the times as our food is not the greatest in our modern world. We often eat processed foods and foods that disagree with us because we do not know any better. Knowing the right foods to eat that will remove and keep eczema at bay - while knowing the foods that aid eczema in its outbreaks is essential.

Better Mental Health

Your psychological state has a direct influence on your physical state. It is a confusing mass of brain chemistry but things like stress and anxiety lower your immune system and bring on eczema flare outs. IF you think to the times you have had eczema I bet you will find some level of long term stress involves also.

If you would like more details on exactly how to implement a complete natural remedy for eczema, click below and discover the course that has helped thousands and thousands of men and women live an eczema free life with clear, healthy, wonderful looking skin.

Click Here For An Extremely Effective Natural Eczema Remedy Course

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Psoriasis and Eczema - What is The Difference?

If you are new to getting information about skin diseases you might be confused as to just what the difference between psoriasis and eczema is. Both are chronic skin diseases and share similar symptoms, but there are a number of difference between the two.

Psoriasis usually comes out as lesions on the skin that is thick, red, and scaly - but quite dry. Eczema is similar to this but can also appear moist and can ooze pus and fluids where psoriasis will not. Both of these conditions can effects the hands and feets and the neck and when the lesions are in these areas it can be difficult to tell them apart.  There are a few ways you can pick it though such as the fact that psoriasis tends to prefer the flatter exposed areas such as elbows and kneecaps while eczema appears on the inside of the elbow joints and back of the knees where it is moister for instance.

The hands and your feet are the most difficult areas to tell psoriasis and eczema apart. This is because the addition of some fungus can confuse things. Even a biopsy of hand and foot rashes can have an overlap which is confusing that causes pathologists to give a non-specific reading or report on these tests.

There is a tiny clue that is helpful for telling them apart on the hands though. Nails will show pitting with psoriasis where eczema and fungus will not.

Some treatments can work for both eczema and psoriasis but many do not, so it is important to really nail down (no pun intended form the previous paragraph!) just what skin condition you do have before you embark on a path to heal them!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Herbs for Eczema Relief!

Herbs and herbal treatments have long been a mainstay of alternative medicine for various conditions that work very week. Eczema is no exception as there are a great many herbal remedies that can be quite helpful for eczema pain relief and reducing all other symptoms of eczema as well.

This is not a be all, end all, to the problem though as eczema is more than a skin condition. It is an immune disorder at the heart of the matter and so this should only be taken as one part of your eczema healing activities. (we will cover more about the immune system problems later!)

So what herbs are there that can help?

  • Aloe Vera – This is something you may have heard of - and for good reason! Aloe Vera has properties that sooth the skin reducing irritation and pain. It also has been shown to revitalise skin as well!
  • Gotu Kola – Often used for cases of psoriasis, this herb is known to reduce itching and redness of the skin.
  • Olive Leaf - Infections are very common with eczema so being able to stop them and stave them off completely will help you recover faster. Olive Leaf contains a powerful antiseptic which can be used topically to stop infections before they happen!
  • Red Clover – Has been shown to alleviate skin conditions, but it more commonly used as an antioxidant to remove toxins.
  • Burdock – This herb is good for the destruction of inulin, which has been linked to eczema flare ups. You can make a tea to drink from this herb. It also has anti inflammatory properties as well!
  • Neem – This will help to boost your immune system which can be lowered because of eczema, or might be lowered due to other sickness or stress that will in turn CAUSE eczema.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Eczema Symptoms to Watch Out For!

If you are wondering about a problem with your skin and have heard of eczema then you might need to know what the symptoms of eczema are. Knowing if you have eczema or if it is just a rash, or lesion from other sources if vital so you can get the correct treatment for your particular ailment.

However it is important to know that eczema is not a single condition but is actually a grouping of various skin conditions that all share a similarity in causation and symptoms - but come out in slightly different ways in different people.

Recurring - One of the hallmarks of eczema is the fact is comes again and again. These flare ups recur frequently or occasionally - but if they come back over and again it is a good change this is eczema not a one off sickness or injury.

Swollen Skin - Swelling is very common for most types of eczema. The skin will be hot, red and lumpy or at least two of those symptoms. The skin may also feel very warm to touch in many cases and can be itchy and irritated.

Pain -Some eczema only looks bad, but others can be very painful, from burning sensations or itching, to sharp stabbing pains at points. This can be when in contact with something or just at all times during a breakout.

Scaly Skin - You skin may become scaly and rough during and after an outbreak of eczema. This can look very bad and feel horrible. It may also be discoloured as well.

Bleeding Fluids -Fluids may start to leak from these areas and blisters and sores appear as well. This can be from infections from the skin that is weakened and often scratched letting infections in.

Dandruff -While many people get dandruff to a degree this can become quite bad for sever eczema sufferers and is not just linked to the scalp in some people. The skin becomes very flaky and peels and cracks on the infected areas.

So if you have a number of these symptoms you may need to seek treatment for this eczema that you have to lessen its effects.